Another Take on 2023’s Top HR Trends

With each year that passes, the workplace environment is sure to change in some way or another. Between the blend of workforce demands, technology trends, wellness-focused employee benefits, and the rise of remote and hybrid work settings, keeping up with these changes can be a challenge. To ensure the continued success of your company, it’s important to prepare for what’s next by taking a look at the top HR trends for 2023 and keeping them in mind as the year progresses. Here are some of the important developments that may affect you and your employees this year.
Flexible Hybrid and Remote Working
One of the most significant workplace changes we’ve seen in the last few years is the shift to remote work. After worldwide lockdowns in 2020, many employers are finding that the flexibility of hybrid or work-at-home options is beneficial not only for their company, but for their workers, too. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for everyone, and the rigid 9-to-5 schedule can lower productivity and overall happiness in employees. Interviews and onboarding will likely continue online, as well.
Introducing More Advanced Technology
Millennials now make up a large percentage of employees at companies across the world. This is the generation that has grown up with access to the internet and because of that, we’re going to continue to see a rise in using more advanced technology in the workplace. This includes Artificial Intelligence, increased cybersecurity, and employee management apps. Self-Service Portals for employees will continue to be enhanced, freeing up even more time for HR professionals to move from administrative tasks to executing employee-centric strategic priorities.
Doubling Down on Retention
In 2021, we saw record numbers of American workers leaving their jobs in what we call The Great Resignation. While some were laid off due to the financial hardships of the 2020 lockdowns, others quit willingly. To continue building success within their companies, HR leaders will need to take a closer look at their employees’ overall happiness in their position, as well as take notes on what matters most to them and where improvements are needed.
Creating a More Inclusive Culture
These days employee satisfaction isn’t just based on raises and unlimited vacation time. Establishing a more diverse workplace and removing unconscious bias is becoming more and more important as the years pass. This involves allowing people of all races, gender identities, sexual orientations, physical abilities, and cultural differences to have an equal chance at success and inclusion.
Trends in the workforce do shift and will continue to shift with time. By understanding the importance of these changes, you’re better equipped to apply them to your own company ensuring its longevity and success. To learn more about these changes and how to apply them to your workplace, know you can turn to Cisso Bean & Dutch for assistance! Contact our team today for more information. Free consultation for your first call.