Using Artificial Intelligence in The Hiring Process

Despite what many believe, artificial intelligence (AI) is not meant to replace humans. It’s simply one tool to help manage repetitive processes for certain functions within human resources, especially for hiring. Talent Acquisition has evolved over the years but historically, it has been a time-consuming and repetitive process. AI can quickly process large amounts of data, improve efficiencies, and streamline the sourcing, screening and scheduling processes involved in hiring. These added operational efficiencies allow recruiters to focus on other, more valuable aspects in talent acquisition such as the candidate experience and client care.
As with all computerized technologies, AI doesn’t come without its fair share of concerns and downsides. Moreover, I too have been a bit skeptical at times not wanting to relinquish the all important human interaction during each stage of the talent acquisition process. But over time, I have found the benefits of AI’s contributions within talent acquisition to be notable. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of using AI during your company’s hiring process.
Pro – Enhances Communication
Developing and building a personal relationship with every candidate can be challenging as a recruiter. This is where AI can step in and dramatically improve communication with candidates. One example the use of chatbots to answer key, commonly asked questions posed by candidates online. If AI doesn’t have an answer, you can easily step in and talk to the candidate yourself. Newer AI technology includes Personal AI, which analyzes your candidates’ communication styles and other traits and delivers this information to you.
Con – Not Enough Assessment in Choosing Candidates
AI is great for predicting patterns, but when it comes to screening applicants, some human assessment is required. If you’re not careful, AI could read inadequate data and get stuck recommending the same types of candidates for hire. This is why we, and many others, highly recommend using AI as a tool rather than letting AI take over the role of recruiter. Always review any decisions AI makes before moving to the final candidate selection stage.
Pro – Reduces Bias
Even the best recruiters will need to audit their selection process on an ongoing basis to ensure that selection criteria is applied uniformly in accordance with EEO guidelines. AI can support this process ensuring that non-merit factors are not unintentionally introduced in the selection process. The introduction of AI in the talent acquisition process can help even the playing field focusing only on the candidate’s experience, qualifications and skills.
Con – AI Can’t Build Human Relationships
AI can be a helpful tool for answering your candidate’s questions and finding out more about their professional background and how it matches to the job specifications advertised. It’s important to remember that AI is a computer science, and in order to build a strong team, you need to build strong relationships with your candidates – outside of AI. Authentic candidate relationships are made one-on-one with the candidate and recruiter. AI is there to assist, not replace.
Do you need additional guidance for your company’s hiring process including the use of artificial intelligence? Contact Cisso Bean & Dutch today! Our team is happy to help answer any questions you may have.