5 Tips For Effective Group Meetings

We’ve all been in meetings before that could have been summarized and distributed in an email. Often, it feels like group meetings have become more of a tradition than a necessity. Expressing this concern to your boss, however, can seem intimidating and it may not seem important enough to bring up to your human resources department.
Do not fear! We’ve all been there. A human resources department is there, in part, to ensure that your workplace environment is non-threatening and accepting of new ideas. You should feel encouraged to share these five tips for an effective group meeting with your office.
Build And Share A Schedule:
It is important that everyone involved in the meeting receives a brief overview of the topics and goals to be discussed ahead of time. Everyone should be on the same page before the meeting starts. This will ensure that time is not wasted and everyone is prepared for the material that will be discussed. Distributing a pre-meeting schedule will also help to remind everyone when and where the meeting will take place and can help all members to prepare their materials ahead of time.
Make It Interactive:
No one wants to sit through a lecture about data that could have been shared via email. Meetings should be discussion-based in order to get everyone involved. Opening up the floor for discussion is an effective way to create a more comfortable and welcoming work environment. In addition, sharing ideas is a great way to creatively solve problems as a group. This can be accomplished by assigning different members of the team to take the lead on discussing a particular topic.
Make Goals A Priority:
A group meeting can often get off track quickly. Ideas and thoughts can surface that may derail the main subject of the meeting. It is important to maintain control and take advantage of the time allotted by ensuring that the subject matter being discussed always ties back to the goals of the meeting laid out in the schedule.
Essentials Only:
This applies to the information being shared as well as to the group members invited. In order to make the most out of everyone’s time, the essential information should be shared with those to whom it may concern. Jeff Bezos calls this the “two pizza rule.” In short, group meetings should be small enough that it only takes two pizzas to feed the group. This rule ensures that no one’s time is wasted by sitting through a meeting that does not pertain to their role.
Make It Fun:
Group meetings do not have to be seen as a burden! Get to know the preferences of the group members and provide entertainment accordingly. This could be in the form of food and drinks, a quick game, or team-building exercise. Whatever way you decide to spice up your meetings, make sure it is something that can be enjoyed by everyone involved.
If you follow these tips and find yourself still struggling to keep meetings productive and your employees engaged, you may benefit from the experience of a trained HR specialist. Contact Cisso Bean & Dutch today to partner with skilled HR experts that can help you maximize the impact of your meetings.