Here’s to Great Bosses

Boss’s Day is celebrated each year on October 16th. In recognition of current and aspiring great bosses everywhere, we thought it appropriate to repost (with a few updates) our blog “What Makes a Good Boss, and How Do I Become One?”
“More than half of people who leave their jobs do so because of their relationship with their boss. Smart companies make certain their managers know how to balance being professional with being human. These are the bosses who celebrate an employee’s success, empathize with those going through hard times, and challenge people, even when it hurts.“
– Travis Bradberry
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to manage others, no matter the size of the team, you’ll know that it’s important to start by hiring talented people and providing them with the tools, resources, and support they will need to be successful in their job. But what really makes a good boss? And, how do I become one? In this blog, we’ll discuss the attributes of a great boss as well as review some of the best practices for leaders-in-training.
People Don’t Leave Companies, They Leave Bosses
There is a popular saying in the HR world: “People don’t leave companies, they leave bosses.- Great leaders inspire loyalty and hard work. Bad leaders drive talent away from the company thus reducing productivity among the team that remains with the company.
A good boss makes everyone around him or her better, and they inspire them to do great work. A good boss is a role model not just in their technical ability but in how they treat others. Attributes often cited for exceptional bosses include visionary, courageous, trusted, resilient, collaborative and concern for his/her team members (empathy).
A good boss also creates a motivational environment where employees want to grow in their career, are safe to take risks and feel inspired to try new things. A good boss refrains from micromanaging but offers the right amount of encouragement and guidance when needed.
Great leadership brings out the best in people by communicating clear goals for what needs to be accomplished, motivating their team with encouragement and support, and demonstrating trustworthiness by ensuring every person feels valued at work each day.
How Are Good Bosses Made?
We’ve heard some of the traits that make a great boss, but how do we create one or become one ourselves? If you are looking to build your leadership capacity and strengthen your leadership skills, consider participating in a leadership development program. The offerings in this area and the various skills assessments instruments available are almost endless. Even the most skilled well-regarded professional will still need the right transition process when he or she steps into a leadership position where they are managing others.
Investing in one of these development programs can help ensure that new supervisors and bosses are equipped with the skills and mindset appropriate for the role. There are many leadership courses available to help you grow as a manager and leader, but there is no one-size fits all model that will work in every situation. It’s important to invest time and research before deciding which leadership development process would best suit your needs.
Effective leadership and management is an art, not a science, which means there are many ways to be effective. The best way to learn leadership skills is practical application. Leadership courses available online are a good place to begin your leadership journey, but you’ll also need to follow through with what you have learned in real life. Application isn’t easy, but it’s necessary to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Through experience, you’ll learn which leadership areas require the most attention.
Closing Thoughts
Great employees are looking for great bosses! Investing time into developing yourself professionally will make all the difference between a mediocre supervisor and a phenomenal asset for the company. Perhaps Travis Bradberry, award-winning author, said it best in the quote referenced earlier, “Smart companies make certain their managers know how to balance being professional with being human.” Happy Boss’s Day!