Meeting Hiring Challenges in Today’s Market

October 17 Blog Image Hiring

We see every day from hiring signs and online job listings that companies across the U.S. are hiring, yet the challenge to fill these positions often seem insurmountable.

According to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the number of job openings increased by 254,000 in September 2024, and the unemployment rate changed little at 4.1 percent with the number of unemployed people at 6.8 million, comparable to the month before but higher when compared to 2023. So how then, do employers elevate their game in the talent wars.

Many analysts are predicting a shift from a candidate-driven market to an employer-driven market, but the talent shortage is still real! Here are some ideas companies can integrate into their process to be more competitive regardless of whether a candidate-driven or employer-driven hiring market.

Elevate The Overall Candidate Experience

Some companies overlook the importance of the candidate experience. Remember, there are options and candidates are assessing the company just as much as you’re assessing the candidate who will fill the open role. If the candidate experience is not a good one, they will be thinking the employee experience could be much worse. Don’t make the mistake and miss out on top talent.

Communicate your Culture, Mission, and Values

In order to attract and gain top talent, employers must communicate what makes their company the best. Develop an employer brand by promoting its culture, mission, and values. Not only is the customer brand important, but so is your employer brand. Candidates are attracted to companies with missions and values that align with their own and they want to be a part of a company culture that will provide them with fulfillment.

Disclose Pay Ranges

This trend started in 2018 when California required employers to provide pay scales to applicants. Many states followed suit and enacted laws requiring this information. When attracting more qualified applicants, providing this information differentiates the position and it will also strengthen your company’s brand. Some candidates may opt out of consideration if the pay range does not meet their minimum expectations which saves time for both the candidate and the employer.

Get to Know Your Prospects

Maybe it is time to get creative and find a special approach to attract talent even for the future as well as for your opening today. Since today’s market is competitive, ensure your attraction points are relatable and valuable to candidates by gaining an understanding of what they value most in their future employer. Whether it be flexibility at work or attaining monetary goals, you can provide a compelling offer that will be too difficult to resist.

If you have any questions related to your company’s particular staffing needs or need talent acquisition support, contact us today and we’ll reach out to you ASAP to provide the solutions you need.