6 Ways To Become A Better Manager

Becoming a better manager isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time, hard work, and the willingness to change. Management today is much different than it used to be. You can’t limit your focus to the end results. There is a clear correlation between job satisfaction and productivity. Keep this in mind as you perfect your management skills. A good management strategy should result in less turnover and more productivity. We’ve put together a list of 6 ways to become a better manager.
Get To Know Your Employees
Take time to get to know your employees on both a personal level and a professional level. If you have a bigger office, schedule out time to meet one on one with each employee. Find out their career goals and where they see themselves in your company. More importantly, show interest in their personal hobbies and passions that go beyond the daily office interactions.
Determine Your Management Style
Before you can change your management style, you need to take time to examine yourself. A strong manager is always performing self-assessments. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, then use your strengths as an advantage in your management style and decide how you’re going to improve in areas of development. For example, if you know one of your developmental areas is communication, make it a point to think about how you deliver and receive information, and test new methods. Better yet, be transparent and let your team know you’re working on it. Over time, you’ll observe the positive effects your change will have on your team.
Be Comfortable With Delegation
We understand how difficult it can be to relinquish control of a project – and still be comfortable with the decision. As a manager or team leader, you want everything to be done efficiently and correctly the first time. You hired your employees for a reason; show them you trust them! Your team will quickly lose motivation if you don’t give them responsibility and freedom on their work. Employees who feel trusted by their manager are more likely to feel proud about their work. Plus, you’ll have more time available to work on other pressing tasks.
Foster A Positive Work Environment
So much of our lives are spent in the office, so it’s no surprise that our work environment is just as important as the job itself. One of your roles as a manager is to set a positive tone in the work environment. Your employees’ attitudes towards work are extremely important to their productivity and quality of work. Check in frequently with your employees to gauge their satisfaction and stress levels. If an issue arises, be quick about addressing their problems and concerns. By creating a positive work environment, your employees will perform to the best of their abilities. For more tips on how to foster a positive work environment, check out our other blog on the topic here.
Challenge Your Employees
There is no end to the level of growth your team can experience. Assign projects that may be out of an employee’s skill set. This will not only require them to learn new skills and get out of their comfort zone, but it will show you care about their career goals and professional growth. You’ll be able to see their full range of capabilities, including those that might not have even been known to your talent! The greater their abilities, the greater potential to grow their responsibilities within your company.
Determine Effective Motivation
Figure out ways to motivate each of your employees. When your employees are motivated, they will show increased productivity and be more eager to perform. It’s extremely important to note that your employees won’t all be motivated by the same thing. It’s equally important to remember that motivation isn’t always generated by money. Although a raise may motivate your employees in the short term, many employees will respond better to an increase in responsibility. Sometimes simply recognizing a job well done will give your employees the push they need to perform at a higher level.
The transformation into a better manager is about constant self-evaluation and learning. When you perform your best as a manager, your employees will do the same. In return, your company will benefit. If you have any questions related to changing or enhancing your management style, don’t hesitate to ask! Contact us today and we’ll reach out to you ASAP to provide the solutions you need.