Recruiting In A New Era, Pt. 1

A set of three posters with people and their jobs.

To state the obvious, we live in a very different world than we did just just one year ago. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ripple through every last fabric of human society, and it’s clear that many of these changes are permanent. In no area is this more apparent than in the workplace – or lack thereof. With massive shifts to remote work to mitigate the impact of the virus, hiring managers are facing an entirely new list of challenges.


There’s a new talent market out there, but don’t let it get to your head.

The tables have turned immensely in favor of employers within the past year. The rapid surge in unemployment has shifted the weight of competition off the shoulders of companies and onto the shoulders of job seekers as top candidates scramble for diminishing opportunities. Suddenly, hiring managers that previously struggled to find the right fit might find themselves with multiple top tier options vying for their attention.

While this should be used to your advantage to acquire the best talent available, you shouldn’t take your foot off the gas on any hiring initiatives that make your company more appealing in the long run. While it may seem otherwise, the pandemic won’t last forever. Hire like you’re still selling your company to a team member who could become a game changer, or else you’ll struggle to appeal to the best talent when the marketplace becomes more competitive for you.


Working remotely is no longer a deal sweetener – it’s a must-have.

Whether you’ve grown fond of your working arrangements over the past year or not, the remote workplace is here to stay long after the virus wanes and the world resumes a new normal. There are numerous reasons why you need to continue to offer remote work opportunities in 2021.

  • Despite the best talent market for employers in years, your employer brand is still crucial to getting the best talent. Employers need to be empathetic and compassionate during these difficult times. Policies that help employees remain financially stable and healthy will go a long way with candidates who had opposite experiences with your competitors.
  • You can hire nationally or possibly internationally. With a primarily remote workforce, you no longer need to limit yourself to local job markets. Previously, out-of-state talent required expensive out-of-state promises to incentivize relocation. Now you’re free to hire without regard to geographic location.
  • Lower expenses means more money to acquire the best talent. With no need to pay for the overhead and taxes that come along with running a business from a commercial property, you have greater room for employee benefits, salaries, and more.


Stick around for part 2 next week. For help with your current recruiting and talent management, reach out to Cisso Bean & Dutch today.